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Thursday, April 21, 2011

How P2S Works

When you complete an offer the advertiser pays P2S and in return they give you a portion of the earnings. It is easy and simple just complete the offers and get points signing up for P2S is free simple and legit and privacy is guaranteed. After gaining enough points you can spend it on anything available in Amazon from xbox live codes, xbox 360, PS3, or anything else you might want.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Well after a brief hiatus I am back and I am glad to say I now have 5000 points which is $50 this is pretty good for being a member for 2 months in which I was not very active. I have been thinking about ordering a hard drive seeing as one of mine has been having problems if I do order it i will post a picture here. Just a reminder points earned on P2S are used to purchase anything on Amazon so go ahead and try it.

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